Jungle Coder
written by night, read by day
Just added post themes! Witness The Colors, and Exult!

Late Night Programming

I’ve decided to tackle it
It’s going to get done
Doesn’t matter if I’m fit
Or if it should be fun

Sleep becomes an afterthought
Thoughts narrow into bytes
Solutions, researched and sought
slowly form neath flickery lights

Abstractions are conceived
Ideas are slowly sprung
One works this time, I’m relieved
Unlike the first 10 things I’d flung

But as I go more bugs crawl out
My understanding is incomplete
Undeterred, I consult cout
To render those bugs concrete

And through the night errors retreat
Further through this code we go
“Please work” I oft entreat
“I need this for Dr. Guo”

And finally the data’s stored and clear
And knowing I’ve done it, relief
Tho hours blurred to seconds mere
My work now strengthens my belief
That I can solve problems

So it’s done for now
Still sits in my head
But as sleepy as a cow
I go to bed


Previously: JS: DOM Attributes are lower-cased, and getAttribute is case insensitive
Next: My Programming Journey Part 2: Calculators led to Parsing led to Programming Languages